Предметом нашего сегодняшнего обзора станет мобильный телефон “Люмия 640”, отзыв о котором вы сможете найти в конце данной статьи. Помнится, еще недавно в арсенале компании “Майкрософт” не было устройств, которые оснащались экраном, имевшим диагональ 5 дюймов, и выводивших изображение в качестве HD. Таким образом, можно говорить о том, что фирма отказывалась от конкуренции с другими производителями, поставлявшими свои смартфоны в наиболее востребованный сегмент рынка.

Но не будем забывать о том, что до устройства под наименованием “Люмия 640”, отзыв о которой может оставить любой желающий пользователь, в продуктовой линейке была другая модель. Речь идет о “Люмии 535”. У нее как раз таки был пятидюймовый дисплей. Однако разрешение составляло только 960 х 540 пикселей. К тому же для модели было характерно агрессивное позиционирование в плане цены. В результате всего этого смартфон значительно выделился на фоне ближайших конкурентов, практически мгновенно обретя колоссальный спрос.


Инженеры компании решили подойти к данному вопросу серьезно. С их точки зрения, преимущество предыдущей модели необходимо было усилить и использовать на полную катушку. Чем сотрудники фирмы, в принципе, и занялись. Интересно то, что “Люмия 640”, отзыв о которой мы постараемся сформулировать на основе характеристик телефона, должна была потеснить своих конкурентов, работающих на операционной системе “Андроид”. Удалось ли ей это? Однозначный ответ дать достаточно сложно. Однако одно видно невооруженным глазом: в своем сегменте аппарат явно доминирует, не оставляя практически никаких шансов аналогичным моделям.


В общем-то, устройство воспринимается потенциальными покупателями положительно. Не раз была отмечена неплохая аппаратная часть смартфона. Тем не менее то, как устройство реализовано, - настоящий ночной кошмар. И такое качество реализации все технические моменты перечеркивает едва ли не на корню. Несмотря на мощную начинку, смартфон, как показали официальные данные продаж, остался маловостребованным даже среди почитателей устройств финского производителя. Каких-то глобальных недостатков нет. Но ведь все большие картины складываются из мелочей, верно? И таких моментов в смартфоне под наименованием “Люмия 640”, отзыв о котором считает долгом оставить едва ли не каждый обладатель устройства под правлением операционной системы Windows Phone, очень и очень много.

Для кого подойдет/не подойдет аппарат

Смартфон “Люмия 640” не будет воспринят теми, кто хочет больших возможностей в плане просмотра фильмов, видеоклипов и использования игр. По поводу первых двух можно сказать, что мультимедийный проигрыватель в модели прост по максимуму. Ну а с играми и так все ясно: операционная система Windows Phone - это явно не та платформа, от которой следует ожидать разнообразия развлечений. По этому вопросу лучше всего обратиться к устройствам под управлением ОС “Андроид”. Вот уж где действительно есть где развернуться!

Тем не менее если вы являетесь ярым поклонником Windows Phone, желаете всегда иметь при себе рабочее устройство, оснащенное неплохими камерами (причем речь идет как об основной, так и о фронтальной), то смартфон “Люмия 640” просто создан для вас. Дополнительно отметим, что это - неплохое решение для людей, не желающих переплачивать деньги за аппарат под управлением операционной системы Windows Phone. В своем ценовом сегменте устройство демонстрирует достаточно хорошие характеристики, но стоимость на него не завышена, в отличие от аналогичных смартфонов.

Две вариации

“Люмия 640”, характеристики которой мы разберем позднее, поставляется на рынок в нескольких вариантах. Во-первых, существует просто модель 640, а есть еще и 640 XL. В чем же разница между обыкновенным устройством и аппаратом под наименованием “Люмия 640 XL”? Во-первых, невооруженным взглядом заметны расхождения в диагонали экрана. “Люмия 640 XL” по габаритам будет побольше за счет этого. Во-вторых, имеется разница в камерах. Усовершенствованная модель оснащена камерой с разрешением 13 мегапикселей. У обычной 640-й основная камера - всего 8 МП. Чипсет абсолютно идентичный. Третье различие кроется в аккумуляторе. Если “Люмия 640”, характеристики которой будут перечислены в статье, снабжена аккумулятором, емкостью 2500 мАч, то в XL - на 500 больше. Однако, даже при том что диагональ экрана стала на 0,7 дюйма больше, разрешение дисплея нисколько не изменилось. Это все то же качество HD - 1280 х 720 пикселей.

Первичное заключение

Телефон “Люмия 640” был быстренько причислен экспертами к категории фаблетов. Откровенно говоря, определенные усилия инженеров компании “Майкрософт” все же заметны. Тем не менее устройство оказалось весьма странным. Об успешной реализации товара говорить явно не приходится. По крайней мере, именно сейчас. Какие обороты примет дело в будущем - никому не известно, наша же задача - разобраться в том, что происходит в данный момент времени. Но вот что было предусмотрено сотрудниками финской компании-производителя, так это то, что телефон “Люмия 640” будет интересен соответствующей аудитории даже в том случае, если грандиозные продажи не будут запущены, и на сторону фирмы не будет переманена новая аудитория.

Краткие технические характеристики

Для начала условимся, что мы будем разбирать самую первую модель. То есть ту, которая была выпущена без поддержки работы в сотовых сетях четвертого поколения. “Люмия 640”, цена которой составляет в такой вариации десять тысяч рублей, была усовершенствована инженерами позднее. В нее был добавлен модуль LTE. Однако стоимость увеличилась до тринадцати тысяч рублей.


Аппарат поддерживает работу в диапазонах GSM, а также UMTS. Возможен выход в интернет. Для этого используются такие стандарты, как 3G, GPRS, а также EDGE. Отсутствует технология WAP. Но ведь она уже морально устарела, да и зачем бы она нам в таком случае? Владелец телефона при наличии в нем СИМ-карты (или СИМ-карт) может активировать точку доступа к Интернету. Осуществляется это за счет встроенного модема. Таким образом, другие абоненты могут подключиться к точке доступа, созданной владельцем телефона, чтобы самим выбираться на просторы международной сети. В роли абонентов могут выступать смартфоны с наличием модуля Wi-Fi, а также планшетные компьютеры и ноутбуки.

“Люмия 640”, цена которой составляет в обычном варианте десять тысяч рублей, снабжена модулями беспроводной передачи данных. И речь идет не только о Wi-Fi, работающем в диапазонах b, g, а также n, но и о функции “Блютуз” версии 4.0. Для пользователей, применяющих электронную почту для обмена сообщениями, предусмотрен встроенный E-mail-клиент. Присутствует возможность синхронизации аппарата с персональным компьютером, а также ноутбуком при помощи разъема MicroUSB.


Экран “Люмия 640” имеет диагональ, равную пяти дюймам. как говорилось ранее, - 1280 х 720 пикселей. То есть картинка на дисплей выводится в качестве HD. Цветопередача в пределах разумного. Да, не самый лучший вариант, но картинка все равно красочная. Присутствует запас яркости, поэтому при естественном освещении шрифты будут считываться с экрана без каких-либо усилий. Транслируется до 16 миллионов цветов. В общем-то, по данному параметру к телефону претензий быть не должно. Матрица дисплея выполнена по технологии IPS. В действительности это неплохое решение, которое позволит владельцу телефона меньше утомлять свои глаза. Это положительно скажется на их здоровье. Сенсорный дисплей относится к емкостному типу, он поддерживает функцию “Мультитач”, которая позволяет одновременно обрабатывать несколько нажатий на экран. В качестве дополнительной защиты у нас стекло Corning третьего поколения.


Основная фотокамера имеет разрешение 8 мегапикселей. Фронтальная оснащена модулем похуже - всего 2 МП. Тем не менее снимки она делает очень даже неплохие. Рядом с основной камерой располагается светодиодная вспышка. Она дает возможность владельцу телефона делать неплохие фотографии даже в условиях низкой освещенности (а также в случае полного отсутствия света). Видеоклипы на основную камеру записываются в разрешении 1920 х 1080 пикселей. Частота кадров - 30 штук в секунду. Отметим, что в модели XL камеры на порядок качественнее. Разрешение основной в ней - 13 мегапикселей, фронтальной - 5 МП. Чехол для “Люмия 640” не окажет никакого влияния на удобство съемки.

Аппаратная часть

В качестве чипсета имеем процессор семейства Qualcomm. В нашем случае это модель Snapdragon 400. В составе чипсета работают сразу четыре ядра, максимальная тактовая частота которых может достигать отметки 1,2 гигагерца.


В устройство встроен объем “оперативки”, равный 1024 мегабайтам. Не очень-то и много, но и не мало. Такая вот золотая середина для бюджетного аппарата. Некоторую часть для себя забирает операционная система, но приложения работают стабильно даже в многозадачном режиме. Лагов и фризов не наблюдается, ОС работает быстро и шустро, не доставляя владельцу дискомфорта при обращении с телефоном.

Для хранения персональных данных пользователю предоставлено немногим более восьми тысяч мегабайт. Маловато будет для хранения фильмов и музыки. Если брать в расчет еще и фотографии, а также приложения… Тем не менее инженеры предусмотрели возможность установки карты памяти формата MicroSD. Максимальный поддерживаемый ее объем в случае с предметом нашего сегодняшнего обзора составляет 128 гигабайт. Немало, не правда ли? Чтобы установить внешний накопитель, придется снять чехол для “Люмия 640”, открепить заднюю крышку. Только после этого можно будет обнаружить гнездо.

Комплектация “Люмия 640”

Инструкция вряд ли поведает покупателю устройства что-либо интересное. Кроме нее в комплект поставки входит аккумулятор для аппарата (емкостью 2500 мАч), сетевое зарядное устройство. Вполне скромненько.

Мультимедийные возможности

Тут набор функций стандартный. Присутствует аудиоплеер и видеопроигрыватель. На звонок возможно устанавливать рингтоны и песни в формате MP3. Имеется аналоговое радио. Для его использования к телефону нужно будет подключить проводную стереогарнитуру, которая не входит в комплект поставки. Впрочем, как и кабель стандарта MicroUSB. Для подключения наушников предусмотрен порт стандарта 3,5 миллиметра.

Операционная система и навигация

В качестве ОС на борту предмета нашего сегодняшнего обзора установлена Windows Phone 8.1. Навигация в пространстве осуществляется за счет технологий A-GPS, а также А-ГЛОНАСС. При этом поддерживается работа с китайской системой BeiDou. Таким образом, телефон вполне возможно использовать как навигатор для автомобиля. Карты работают стабильно, а главное - точно.


В роли материала изготовления на этот раз - глянцевый пластик. Дешево, сердито, но вполне удобно. Телефон не норовит выскользнуть из рук при эксплуатации. Форм-фактор все тот же моноблок. Батарея съемная. На рынке смартфонов устройство доступно для покупки в нескольких цветовых оформлениях. Это классика (черный и белый), а также оранжевый и голубой цвета. Можно сказать, что для линейки "Люмия" они (вместе с зеленым цветом) стали традиционными. Особой ударостойкостью задние панели не отличаются, но во многих случаях успешно защищают аппаратную начинку смартфона.


Среди преимуществ телефона оказалась неслабая аппаратная часть, хорошие фотокамеры и соответствующая стоимость. Нельзя обойти стороной и материал изготовления с дизайном.

Недостатки смартфона в основном заключаются в претензиях к платформе. Камера хорошо работает только на свету, а в условиях низкой освещенности качество снимков с фронтального устройства разительно меняется. Напоследок отвечаем на вопрос, который интересует некоторых пользователей, а именно на то, как настроить “Люмия 640”. Сделать это можно при помощи настроек, перейдя в соответствующее меню.

User Guide Lumia with Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 Issue 1.0 EN ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 2

    About this user guide This guide is the user guide for your software release. Important: For important info on the safe use of the phone, read the Product and safety information section in the in-box or online user guide. To find out how to get started with your new phone, read the in-box user guide. For the online user guidance, videos, even more ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 3

    Contents For your safety 5 Get started 6 Lock the keys and screen 6 Charge your phone 7 Your first Lumia? 10 Set up your phone 10 Explore your tiles, apps, and settings 11 Navigate inside an app 13 Use the touch screen 14 Back, start, and search keys 17 Transfer content to your Lumia phone 17 Basics 21 What’s new in this release? 21 Get to know y ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 4

    Games 102 Lifestyle apps and services 104 Office 107 Microsoft Office Mobile 107 Write a note 110 Continue with a document on another device 110 Use the calculator 110 Use your work phone 111 Tips for business users 111 Phone management & connectivity 113 Update your phone software 113 Use a high speed connection 114 Use a secure VPN connection ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 5

    For your safety Read these simple guidelines. Not following them may be dangerous or against local laws and regulations. SWITCH OFF IN RESTRICTED AREAS Switch the device off when mobile phone use is not allowed or when it may cause interference or danger, for example, in aircraft, in hospitals or near medical equipment, fuel, chemicals, or blasting ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 6

    Get started Get to grips with the basics, and have your phone up and running in no time. Lock the keys and screen If you want to avoid accidentally making a call when your phone is in your pocket or bag, you can set your keys and screen to lock automatically. Press the power key. Unlock the keys and screen Press the power key, and drag the lock scr ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 7

    Tip: Instead of pressing the power key, you can also double-tap the screen if double- tap is switched on. To switch on double-tap, on the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS > touch , and switch Wake up to On . Double- tap to wake up is not supported by all phones. For availability, go to www.microsoft.com/mobil ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 8

    3. When the battery is full, disconnect the charger from the phone, then from the wall outlet. You don"t need to charge the battery for a specific length of time, and you can use the phone while it"s charging. If the battery is completely discharged, it may take up to 20 minutes before the charging indicator is displayed. Tip: You can use ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 9

    You may need a wireless charging cover for wireless charging to work. The cover may be included in the sales box, or it may be sold separately. Only use original Lumia wireless charging covers designed for your phone. Wireless chargers are sold separately. The charging areas on the phone and the charger need to touch, so make sure you align the pho ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 10

    Your first Lumia? Let’s get started. Set up your new phone, explore your phone’s views and menus, and learn how to use the touch screen. Set up your phone Make the most out of your phone’s features from the get-go. When you switch your phone on for the first time, your phone guides you to set up your network connections, phone settings, and M ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 11

    Tip: You can also create a Microsoft account later. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > email+accounts > add an account > Microsoft account . You can also create or manage your account at www.live.com . 3. Fill in your account details. 4. Type in your phone number or an alternative mail addres ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 12

    Tip: To go back to the start screen from any view, tap the start key . The apps menu is the home to all your apps – in neat alphabetical order. All the installed apps end up here. To look up an app in the apps menu, tap , or tap a letter. 2. To add an app shortcut to your start screen, in the apps menu, tap and hold the app, and tap pin to start ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 13

    In the action centre, you can quickly see notifications, such as your missed calls and unread mails and messages, open the camera, and access all phone settings. Navigate inside an app There’s more to your apps than meets the eye. To find more views in an app, swipe left. To discover more actions, use the options menu. In most apps, to go to anot ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 14

    Use the touch screen Explore your phone with a tap, swipe, or drag. 1. To use your phone, simply tap or tap and hold the touch screen. 2. To open further options, place your finger on an item until the menu opens. Example: To open an app or other item, tap the app or item. To edit or delete a calendar appointment, tap and hold the appointment, and ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 15

    Tap and hold to drag an item Place your finger on the item for a couple of seconds, and slide your finger across the screen. Swipe Place your finger on the screen, and slide your finger in the direction you want. Example: Swipe left or right between the start screen and the apps menu, or between different views in the hubs. To quickly scroll throug ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 16

    Zoom in or out Place 2 fingers on an item, such as a map, photo, or web page, and slide your fingers apart or together. Important: Avoid scratching the touch screen. Tip: The screen rotates automatically when you turn the phone 90 degrees. To lock the screen in its current orientation, on the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 17

    Back, start, and search keys The back, start, and search keys help you navigate your phone. To see which apps you have open, tap and hold the back key . You can then switch to another app or close the ones you don’t need. To go back to the previous screen you were in, tap the back key . Your phone remembers all the apps and websites you&a ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 18

    Copy contacts Have your nearest and dearest instantly at your fingertips. Use the Transfer my Data app to easily copy your contacts, text messages, and pictures from your old phone. The app does not work with all phone models. Tip: If your old phone is a Windows Phone device, or if you have previously backed up your contacts to your Microsoft accou ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 19

    1. To select what you want to back up to your Microsoft account, on your previous Windows Phone device, tap Settings > backup . Your contacts and calendar are backed up automatically to your Microsoft account. 2. On your new Lumia phone, sign in to your Microsoft account. Your contacts, calendar, and text messages are automatically transferred t ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 20

    3. Select Copy content to Nokia Lumia , and follow the instructions shown on your computer. Your files are copied to OneDrive. Your photos are copied to the Pictures folder in OneDrive, and your contacts and calendar events to your Outlook.com. 4. To access your photos, on your Lumia phone, swipe left, and tap OneDrive . Your contacts and calendar ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 21

    Basics Learn how to get the most out of your new phone. What’s new in this release? Check some of the key things in this release at a glance. Find the settings you’re looking for easily – settings are now reorganised into groups, and you can even search them. Switch your calendar to show week numbers in the monthly view. Switch mo ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 22

    Switch between views and apps Not all your apps are on the start screen – swipe to the apps menu to find them. Or check what’s already running on your phone and switch between the apps. To see all the apps on your phone, on the start screen, simply swipe left. To return to the start screen, swipe right. Tip: To find an app quickly, tap any lett ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 23

    Navigate the settings menu On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS . To go to a settings group, tap any settings group title, and select the group you want. To search for a particular setting, tap , and start typing the name of the setting. Personalise the navigation bar All Lumia phones have 3 keys across t ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 24

    See your missed calls and recent unread mails and messages Check any notifications, such as available app updates in Store Open apps Check for WiFi networks, and connect to them Quickly jump to settings 2. To close the menu, swipe up from the bottom of the screen. Personalise the action centre On the start screen, swipe down fro ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 25

    Use your phone in flight mode In places where you don"t want to make or receive calls, you can still access your music, videos, and offline games if you switch flight mode on. Flight mode closes connections to the mobile network and switches your device"s wireless features off. If supported by your device, the NFC payment and ticketing fe ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 26

    A GPRS data connection is open. Your phone is connected to a 3G network. A high-speed (HSDPA/HSUPA) data connection is open. A high-speed (HSPA+/DC-HSDPA) data connection is open. Your phone is connected to a 4G network. Data is transferred over a mobile data connection. WiFi connection A WiFi connection is available. A WiFi connection is active. A ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 27

    Location An app or service is using your location info. Driving mode Driving mode is switched on. Accounts Learn about the different accounts on your phone and what you can do with them. Benefits of creating a Microsoft account With a Microsoft account, you can access Microsoft services with a single username and password on your computer or phone. ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 28

    If you already have an Xbox Live.com, Hotmail.com, or Outlook.com account, or if you have created a Microsoft account on your Surface tablet or Windows PC, you don’t have to create a new one – just sign in with the username and password for that account. If you don’t have a Microsoft account yet, you can create one with your phone. 1. On the ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 29

    Tip: If your previous phone was a Windows Phone and you have backed up your content to your Microsoft account, restore the backup and get your stuff easily on your new phone. Set up My Family If you want to restrict your kids from downloading paid or age-rated content from Store or games store, set up My Family. Xbox doesn"t support child acco ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 30

    With OneDrive, you can access your photos, documents, and more from your phone, tablet, or computer. Depending on the app, you can even continue working on a document right from where you left it earlier. There are several places where you can access your stuff on OneDrive. You can save photos to OneDrive in the Photos hub, or manage your office do ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 31

    There are several places where you can access your stuff on OneDrive. On your phone, you can check your photos and videos in the Photos hub, or open your Office documents in the Office hub. You can also download the OneDrive app from Store to see and manage all types of files on your phone. On your tablet or computer, you can either manage your stu ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 32

    2. Tap a photo, crop it as you like, and tap . Tip: Why not match your background and tile colours with your background picture? Tap Background or Accent colour . To share your theme and other settings to all your Windows devices, on the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS > sync my settings , and switch theme t ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 33

    Pin an app Swipe left to go to the apps menu, tap and hold the app, and tap pin to start . Pin a contact Tap People , tap and hold the contact, and tap pin to start . When you pin contacts, their feed updates are shown on the tile, and you can call them directly from the start screen. Show more tiles on the start screen See more apps at a glance ? ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 34

    On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > lock screen . Tip: You can decide which app notifications, such as missed calls or new messages, you want to see on the lock screen. Simply tap a notification slot, and choose the app you want to add. Change the background photo Tap change photo , select a photo, ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 35

    Switch night mode on In the glance screen settings, change the setting for Night mode to your liking. First, select the colour for the text on the glance screen, or hide the glance screen completely for a certain time period. Then set the time when you want to have night mode on. Create a safe, fun start screen for kids You can let your kids use so ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 36

    Switch the kid"s start screen off On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS , and switch kid"s corner to Off . Personalise your phone tones Change the notification tones your phone uses for calls, messages, and more, or add your own tones or your favourite song to the collection. 1. On the start screen, ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 37

    Tip: Don’t want to keep your phone in silent mode but can’t answer right now? To silence an incoming call, press the volume down key. If you have switched Flip to silence on, you can simply turn your phone face down. To switch Flip to silence on, on the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS > audio , swipe lef ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 38

    Install a speech language Depending on your region and Cortana version, you may need to download and install the appropriate speech language to use Cortana. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > speech . Under Speech language , select the language, and follow the instructions. For more info, go to www ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 39

    Magnify the screen Switch Screen magnifier to On , and double-tap the screen with 2 fingers. When using the magnifier, use 2 fingers to move around the screen. To stop magnification, double-tap the screen with 2 fingers. Take a screenshot You can take screenshots of what’s on your phone screen and use them like any photos. 1. Press the volume up ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 40

    Extend battery life Get the most out of your phone while getting the battery life you need. There are steps you can take to save power on your phone. To save power: Charge wisely Always charge the battery fully. Select only the sounds that you need Mute unnecessary sounds, such as key press sounds. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of th ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 41

    Lower the screen brightness On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > brightness . Make sure that Automatically adjust is switched to Off . Switch Level to low , and switch Automatically adjust to On . To be able to change the screen brightness automatically, your phone must have a light sensor. For a ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 42

    Stop your phone scanning for available wireless networks. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS > WiFi , and switch WiFi networking to Off . If you"re listening to music or otherwise using your phone, but don"t want to make or receive calls, switch flight mode on. On the start screen, swip ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 43

    Use the on-screen keyboard Writing with the on-screen keyboard is easy. You can use the keyboard when holding your phone in portrait or landscape mode. You can write your messages by tapping the letters or by swiping through them. Tap a text box. 1 Character keys 2 Shift key 3 Numbers and symbols key 4 Language key 5 Smiley key 6 Space key 7 Enter ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 44

    Switch between upper and lower case characters Tap the shift key. To switch caps lock mode on, double-tap the key. To return to normal mode, tap the shift key again. Type in a number or special character Tap the numbers and symbols key. To see more special character keys, tap the shift key. Some special character keys bring up more symbols. To see ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 45

    Tip: To put a full stop at the end of a sentence, and to start a new sentence, tap the space key twice. Use keyboard word suggestions Your phone suggests words as you write, to help you write quickly and more accurately. Word suggestions may not be available in all languages. When you start writing a word, your phone suggests possible words. When t ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 46

    Switch word suggestions off On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > keyboard . Tap your language keyboard, and clear the Suggest text check box. Empty the word suggestion list On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > keyboard > advanced > reset suggesti ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 47

    Scan codes or text Use your phone camera to scan things, such as QR codes, barcodes, and book and DVD covers, and get further info on what your phone recognises. Vision search is not supported by all phones. For availability, go to www.microsoft.com/ mobile/support/wpfeatures . Tap the search key , and tap . If your phone has Cortana, tap Lumia Cam ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 48

    This feature may not be available in all languages. Clock and calendar Keep track of time – learn how to use your phone as a clock, as well as an alarm clock, and how to keep your appointments, tasks, and schedules up to date. Set an alarm You can use your phone as an alarm clock, and even set your favourite song as your alarm tone. Tap Alarms . ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 49

    Snooze an alarm If you don’t want to get up just yet, when the alarm sounds, tap snooze . Before snoozing, you can change the snooze time. Tip: Tapping the back key snoozes the alarm for 2 minutes. Switch an alarm off Tap Alarms , and switch the alarm to Off . Delete an alarm Tap the alarm and . Update the time and date automatically You can set ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 50

    Create an event on another calendar By default, your events go to your Microsoft account calendar. If you have, for example, a shared calendar with your family, you can create and share the event instantly. To change the calendar when creating the event, tap more details > Calendar and the calendar you want to use. Example: You can create an eve ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 51

    Tip: Feeling energetic? Or hands full and no time for extra tasks? To quickly bring the time of the event forward or postpone it, tap and hold the task, and select the option you want. Mark a task as complete Tap and hold the task, and tap complete . Use multiple calendars When you set up your mail or social networking accounts on your phone, you c ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 52

    Tip: Want to make sure you don’t miss a call on one SIM while having an active call on the other? Use Smart Dual SIM to set your SIMs to forward calls between them or to another phone. For availability of this feature, contact your network service provider. Manage your SIMs Don’t want work to interfere with your free time? Or do you have a chea ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 53

    Browse your SIM apps If your service provider has included apps on your SIM card, here"s how to find them. 1. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > mobile+SIM . 2. Tap the SIM. 3. Tap SIM applications . Store Make your phone your own with more apps, games, and other items, some of which are free ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 54

    You can search for and download content directly to your phone, or browse Store content on your computer and send links from there to your phone by text message. Many items are free of charge; some you need to pay for with your credit card or on your phone bill. The availability of payment methods depends on your country of residence and your netwo ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 55

    For more info on an item, contact the publisher of the item. Tip: Use a WiFi connection to download large files. Tip: In the Store main view, you can see a notification at the top right corner of the screen on how many of your downloaded apps, games, and other content have updates. If the app you’ve downloaded doesn’t support your phone languag ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 56

    Receive adverts If you want to receive adverts and tips about apps that might interest you, on the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS , and switch advertising id to On . If you want to clear the info that your phone uses to find your relevant adverts and tips, tap reset your advertising ID . © 2015 Microsoft Mobi ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 57

    People & messaging Contact your friends and family, and share your files, such as photos, using your phone. Stay tuned with the latest updates to your social networking services even when on the go. Calls Learn how to make calls on your new phone and talk to your friends. Call a contact Calling your friends is quick and easy when you"ve sa ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 58

    Tap Skype , and sign in with the same Microsoft account that you use with your phone. To call a Skype contact, swipe to people , tap the contact you want to call, and tap . For more info on Skype-to-Skype calls, see the video at www.youtube.com/watch? v=AF2HRYdPnAM (in English only). Tip: To save on data costs, use a WiFi network connection with Sk ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 59

    Cortana is not available in all regions and languages. For info on the supported languages, go to www.windowsphone.com . Silence an incoming call If your phone rings when you don"t want to be disturbed, you can silence the ringtone for that call. If you want to be able to silence your phone by turning it face down, the Flip to silence feature ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 60

    Make a conference call Your phone supports conference calls between 2 or more people. The maximum number of participants can vary, depending on your network service provider. 1. Make a call to the first person. 2. To make a call to another person, tap . 3. When the new call is answered, tap . To add more people, tap again. Have a private conversati ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 61

    Swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS > network+ > set , and type in the voice mail number given by your service provider, if needed. If you have a dual SIM phone, tap the SIM you want before typing in the number. Depending on your phone, you may either forward all your calls to your voice mail, or make the choice separa ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 62

    Switch between calls Tap TAP TO SWAP . Block calls and messages If you are getting unwanted calls or text messages, you can block them with the call+SMS filter app. To add a phone number to your blocked numbers list, tap , swipe to history , tap and hold the caller you want to block, and tap block number... . You can also add numbers to your blocke ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 63

    People hub The People hub is where all your friends’ contact info is kept. It lets you stay in touch with the people who matter the most through groups. Your social networks are also here. Go to contacts to see your friends’ contact info from every account you have signed into. You can organise the list the way you like by filtering it by accou ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 64

    Tip: You can also filter out the contacts without phone numbers. Switch Hide contacts without phone numbers to On . Save a number from a received call When you’ve received a call, you can easily save the number if it’s not yet saved in your People hub. You can save the number in a new or existing contacts list entry. 1. Tap , and swipe to histo ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 65

    2. Tap choose a contact and the contact to be linked. Unlink a contact Tap the main contact and , and tap the contact to be unlinked and unlink . Copy contacts Have your nearest and dearest instantly at your fingertips. Use the Transfer my Data app to easily copy your contacts, text messages, and pictures from your old phone. The app does not work ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 66

    Make sure your SIM card is inserted. 1. Tap People . 2. Tap > settings > import from SIM . 3. To import all your contacts, tap import . Tip: To select individual contacts, tap clear , and use the check boxes. You can’t save contacts to your new SIM card. Create, edit, or delete a contact group You can create contact groups to send a message ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 67

    1. On the start screen, tap People , and swipe to contacts . 2. Tap a contact and > share contact > . 3. Select how you want to share, and follow the instructions. Change your profile photo You can select your contact card photo on your phone. Pick a photo you just took or an existing profile photo from one of your social networking services. ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 68

    Post your status If you feel like reaching out to your friends, let them know what"s on your mind. Post a status update to the social networking services that you use. 1. Tap People , and swipe to contacts . 2. Tap your own contact card and post an update . 3. Select the service to post to. 4. Write your message. 5. Tap . Share a photo in soci ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 69

    Your mobile subscription supports multimedia messages. Your data connection is switched on. Swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS > mobile+SIM , and switch Data connection to On . Only compatible devices can receive and show multimedia messages. Messages may look different in different devices. Forward a message In thre ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 70

    You can send text messages that are longer than the character limit for a single message. Longer messages are sent as two or more messages. Your service provider may charge accordingly. Characters with accents, other marks, or some language options, take more space, and limit the number of characters that can be sent in a single message. Using serv ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 71

    Chat using Skype You can use your phone to send Skype-to-Skype instant messages. If you don"t yet have the Skype app, you can download it from www.windowsphone.com . 1. Tap Skype . 2. Sign in with the same Microsoft account that you use with your phone. 3. Swipe to people , and tap the contact you want to chat with. 4. Write your message, and ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 72

    1. When writing a message, tap > voice note . 2. Record your message, and tap done . 3. Tap . Mail You can use your phone to read and reply to mail when you"re on the go. On the start screen, tap . To send and receive mail, you must be connected to the internet. Add or delete a mailbox If you use different mail addresses for business and le ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 73

    To find out more about setting up different mail accounts, see the How-to section at www.windowsphone.com . Add a mailbox later In your mailbox, tap > add email account and an account, and sign in. Tip: To add your Exchange work mail, contacts, and calendar to your phone, select Exchange as your account, write your work mail address and password ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 74

    You can pin several mailboxes to the start screen. For example, dedicate a tile for business mail and another for personal mail. If you link several mailboxes into a unified inbox, you can open mails from all your inboxes in one tile. To read your mail, tap the tile. Send mail Don"t let your mails pile up. Use your phone to read and write mail ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 75

    Read mail If you’re waiting for important news, you don’t have to wait until you’re at your desk. Use your phone to read your mails. You can see when you have new mail on the start screen. 1. Tap . 2. In your mailbox, tap the mail. Unread mail is marked in a different colour. Tip: To zoom in or out, place 2 fingers on the screen, and slide th ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 76

    Forward a mail Open the mail, and tap > forward . Delete mail When your mailbox is overflowing, delete some mails to free up space in your phone. 1. In your mailbox, tap to the left of the mails you want to delete. 2. Tap the check boxes that appear next to the mails, and tap . All the mails you selected are deleted. Depending on your mail accou ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 77

    Camera Why carry a separate camera if your phone has all you need for capturing memories? With your phone camera, you can easily take photos or record videos. Get to know Lumia Camera When you want to take outstanding photos, Lumia Camera gives you full control. With Lumia Camera, you can: Change each setting manually to your preference Eas ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 78

    1. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > photos+camera . 2. Tap Default camera app , and select the camera you want. Camera basics Taking a photo or recording a video is quick and easy, as is sharing it with your friends. Take a photo Shoot sharp and vibrant photos – capture the best moments in your ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 79

    Glam up your selfie Use the Lumia Selfie app to take cool selfies. Your photo is enhanced and ready to be shared in a snap. To download the Lumia Selfie app or check that you have the latest version, go to www.windowsphone.com . Lumia Selfie may not be available for all phone models. 1. Tap Lumia Selfie . 2. To take a selfie with the front camera, ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 80

    Save your photos and videos to a memory card If there is a memory card in your phone, and your phone memory is filling up, save the photos you take and videos you record to the memory card. For the best video quality, record videos to your phone memory. If you record videos to the memory card, it is recommended that the microSD card you use is a fa ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 81

    Using services or downloading content, including free items, may cause the transfer of large amounts of data, which may result in data costs. Not all sharing services support all file formats or videos recorded in high quality. Advanced photography Your phone gives you great control over your photo settings. Take exactly the kind of photo you like. ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 82

    2. To stop recording, release the camera key. The timer stops. Tip: To view the video you just recorded, tap the round thumbnail at the corner of the screen. The video is saved in Camera Roll. Change the video capture resolution Tap , swipe to video , tap Resolution , and select the resolution you want. Depending on your phone, the highest availabl ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 83

    6. To add a speed blur effect, tap . 7. To save the action shot in Camera Roll, tap . Save the best frame Tap CHOOSE BEST FRAME , tap the slider or swipe left or right to find the best frames in your video, and tap to save the frame as a separate photo in Camera Roll. You can save as many frames as you want. Add movement to your photos Use the Lumi ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 84

    Photos hub The photos you"ve taken or videos you"ve recorded with your phone are saved to the Photos hub, where you can browse and view them. To find your photos and videos easily, mark your favourites, or organise them into albums. View photos Relive those important moments – view the photos on your phone. Tap Photos . © 2015 Microsof ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 85

    1. To view a photo you"ve taken, swipe to albums , and tap Camera Roll and the photo. 2. To view the next photo, swipe left. To view the previous photo, swipe right. Find photos by date and location Tap > settings > Group my photos by time and location . Zoom in or out Place 2 fingers on the screen, and slide your fingers together or apa ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 86

    The folder appears as an album in the albums view on your phone. Tip: If your computer"s operating system is Windows 7 or Windows 8 or later, you can also use the Windows Phone app. With Windows 7, you can download it from www.windowsphone.com . Delete an album Tap Photos > albums . Tap and hold an album, and tap delete . When you delete an ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 87

    Tip: Your phone is shown under portable devices as Windows Phone. To see the folders of your phone, double-click the name of the phone. There are separate folders for documents, music, photos, ringtones, and videos. 3. Open the folder for photos, and select and copy the photos to your computer. Tip: If your computer"s operating system is Windo ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 88

    Tip: To revert to the original photo, tap > revert to original . Show your photos on your friend"s screen Want to show your best shots to your friends? Use the PhotoBeamer mobile projector, and show your photos on your friend"s screen, without any cables. 1. On the device you want to use to show the photos, go to https:// www.photobeam ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 89

    Maps & navigation Explore what’s out there and how to get there. Switch location services on Use map apps to find out where you are, and save your location to the photos you take. Apps can use your location info to offer you a wider variety of services. 1. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS . 2. T ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 90

    Get directions for public transport After creating your route, tap . Public transport info is available in selected cities around the world. Download maps to your phone Save new maps to your phone before a journey, so you can browse the maps without an internet connection when travelling. To download and update maps, switch Wi-Fi networking on. Tap ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 91

    Internet Learn how to create wireless connections and browse the web while keeping your data costs down. Define internet connections If your network service provider charges you on a pay-as-you-use basis, you may want to change the WiFi and mobile data settings to reduce your data costs. You can use different settings for roaming and at home. Impor ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 92

    Tip: You can also type in a password for the connection. 4. Select the connection on the other device. The other device uses data from your data plan, which may result in data traffic costs. For info on availability and costs, contact your network service provider. Use your data plan efficiently If you are worried about your data usage costs, the D ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 93

    Tip: You can also double-tap the screen. Open a new tab When you want to visit several websites at the same time, you can open new browser tabs and switch between them. Tap Internet Explorer . Tap 6 > . Tip: To open tabs you’re browsing on other devices, tap 6 , and swipe left to other . Tip: To go back to the previous website inside a tab, sw ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 94

    1. To set the browser to always use the mode you want, tap Internet Explorer > > settings . 2. Change the setting for Website preference . Switch to the reading view Tap on the address bar. To set the font size for the reading view, tap > settings > advanced settings > Reading view font size . Tip: To learn more about the browser set ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 95

    Clear the browser history When you"ve finished browsing, you can delete your private data, such as your browsing history and temporary internet files. 1. Tap Internet Explorer . 2. Tap > settings > delete history . A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. If you have, or have tried to, access confidential info ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 96

    Entertainment Learn how to watch videos, listen to your favourite music, and play games. Watch and listen You can use your phone to watch videos and listen to music and podcasts while on the move. Play music Listen to your favourite music wherever you are. Tap Music . Tap the artist, album, song, genre, or playlist you want to play. Tip: You can im ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 97

    MixRadio Discover new music with MixRadio. With MixRadio, you can: Listen to curated mixes Take your mixes offline and listen to them even without an internet connection Mark songs with thumbs up or thumbs down to get a mix that’s tailored more to your taste Create your own mixes based on your favourite artists To learn more about ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 98

    Adjust the tone of music Boost the bass or adjust other bands to enhance your listening experience. Audio personalisation is not enabled when listening to the FM radio or when using Bluetooth accessories. 1. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > audio . 2. To adjust the tone of music, swipe to equalis ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 99

    Tip: You can also connect using Bluetooth. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS > Bluetooth , and pair your phone with the speaker. Share your screen using Lumia Beamer Do you have a presentation or document on your phone that you want to show on a bigger screen? Use the Lumia Beamer app to easily share yo ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 100

    3. You can also share your phone"s screen with someone far away. To send a link by text message, mail, or social media, tap Share remotely and Messaging , Email , or Social media . 4. To update the screen, shake your phone. Tip: To update the screen automatically, tap auto update in the Lumia Beamer app. 5. To stop sharing, press the lock key, ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 101

    FM radio is not supported by all phones. For availability, go to www.microsoft.com/mobile/ support/wpfeatures . To listen to the radio, you need to connect a compatible headset to the device. The headset acts as an antenna. The headset may be sold separately. Tap FM Radio . Go to the next or previous station Swipe left or right on the frequency bar ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 102

    Windows Phone app Windows Phone app for desktop Windows Phone app for Mac Windows Explorer Windows 8 x x x Windows 8 RT x x Windows 7 x x Windows Vista/XP x Mac x Games Keep yourself entertained by downloading and playing games on your phone. Get new games Head to games store to download and install new games on your phone. 1. Tap Games > games ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 103

    Choose what your kid can download If your kid has a Windows Phone 8.1, you can use the My Family website to manage their game and app downloads and settings. To set up My Family, go to https:// www.windowsphone.com/family , sign in to the Microsoft account with both your and the kid’s mail address and password, and follow the instructions. You ca ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 104

    Control your Xbox One with your phone Control your Xbox One console with your phone using the Xbox SmartGlass app. If you don’t have the Xbox SmartGlass app in your phone, you can download it from www.windowsphone.com . Make sure you are signed in with the same Microsoft or Xbox Live account both on your phone and on your console. You can connect ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 105

    Tip: You can pin your favourite stock to the start screen for easy viewing. Tap and hold the stock, and tap pin to start . Keep up to date with the news Check the latest news from your favourite sources. Tap News . To select the news sources you want to follow, swipe to Sources , and tap . Follow topics that interest you Swipe to Topics , tap , and ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 106

    Tip: To see the forecast for your current location for the next ten days, tap Daily . Tip: To quickly see the weather in other places, save your important locations to your favourites. Swipe to Favourites , tap , and add a location. Get new recipes and cooking ideas Find recipes, and add the ingredients to your shopping list in just one tap. Tap Fo ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 107

    Office Keep yourself organised. Learn how to use the calendar and the Microsoft Office apps. Microsoft Office Mobile Microsoft Office Mobile is your office away from the office. Go to the Office hub to create and edit Word documents and Excel workbooks, open and view PowerPoint slide shows, and share documents using SharePoint. You can also save yo ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 108

    Tip: To access an important document quickly, you can pin it to the start screen. Tap and hold the document, and tap pin to start . Create a new document Swipe to recent , and tap . Search for text in a document Tap the Word file and . Add a comment Tap > . Format text Tap the Word file and > . Highlight text Tap the Word file and > , and ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 109

    Find data from a workbook Tap the Excel file and . Send a workbook in a mail Tap the Excel file and > share... . Work with PowerPoint Mobile Add the finishing touches to your presentation en route to your meeting with Microsoft PowerPoint Mobile. 1. Tap Office , swipe to places , and tap the location of the PowerPoint file you want to view. 2. T ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 110

    Write a note Notes on paper are easy to lose. Instead of jotting them down on paper, you can write your notes with Microsoft OneNote Mobile. This way, you always have your notes with you. You can also sync your notes to OneDrive and view and edit them with OneNote on your phone, on your computer, or online in a web browser. 1. Tap OneNote > . 2. ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 111

    Use the binary calculator Turn your phone to landscape mode, left edge up. Use your work phone A company account on your phone helps you do your job. If you have a work phone, your company can create a company account that keeps the info in your phone more secure, gives you access to documents or info from inside the company"s network, and eve ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 112

    You may use a virtual private network (VPN) connection to access your company resources, such as intranet or corporate mail, or you may use a VPN service for personal purposes. Contact your company IT administrator for details of your VPN configuration, or visit Store to download the app for your VPN service and check the service’s website for ad ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 113

    Phone management & connectivity Take care of your phone and its contents. Learn how to connect to accessories and networks, transfer files, create backups, lock your phone, and keep the software up to date. Update your phone software Stay in step with the beat – update your phone software and apps wirelessly to get new and enhanced features f ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 114

    Using services or downloading content, including free items, may cause the transfer of large amounts of data, which may result in data costs. By default, your phone automatically downloads available updates whenever the data connection settings allow it. When your phone notifies you that an update is available, just follow the instructions shown on ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 115

    Tip: To change the VPN mobile data connection and roaming settings, tap options . Edit a VPN profile Tap and hold the profile, tap edit , and change the info as required. Delete a VPN profile Tap and hold the profile, and tap delete . Switch to manual VPN connection Tap and hold the profile, and tap switch to manual . Tap the profile to connect to ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 116

    Note: Using WiFi may be restricted in some countries. For example, in the EU, you are only allowed to use 5150–5350 MHz WiFi indoors, and in the USA and Canada, you are only allowed to use 5.15–5.25 GHz WiFi indoors. For more info, contact your local authorities. Close the connection Switch WiFi networking to Off . Tip: Your phone connects back ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 117

    Switch Tap to share to On . Tip: Before using NFC, make sure the screen and keys are unlocked. Enable NFC payments Switch Tap to pay to On . You may be able to pay or use your phone as a ticket even when your phone is locked, depending on your service provider. Tip: To select when you can use NFC payments, tap Active cards work . Connect to a Bluet ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 118

    2. To make a payment, tap the reader with the NFC area of your phone. Your service provider may ask you to confirm the payment. Note: Payment and ticketing apps and services are provided by third parties. Microsoft Mobile does not provide any warranty or take any responsibility for any such apps or services including support, functionality, transac ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 119

    Connect to your friend’s phone with Bluetooth Use Bluetooth to wirelessly connect to your friend"s phone, to share photos and much more. 1. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > Bluetooth . 2. Make sure Bluetooth is switched on in both phones. 3. Make sure both phones are visible to other phone ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 120

    4. To send an automatic text message when someone calls or texts you, explaining why you can"t answer, switch Text replies to calls , Text replies to texts , or both to On . To edit the message, tap the text box. 5. Tap next > add a device , and tap the Bluetooth device you connect your phone to when driving, such as a headset. Driving mode ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 121

    To back up other content, such as music, connect your phone to your computer, and follow the instructions on the computer screen. You have 2 options: either sync content between your phone and computer using the Windows Phone app for desktop, or drag and drop content from phone to computer in your computer’s file manager, such as Windows Explorer ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 122

    Remove temporary files to free up space Tap phone > temporary files > delete . To delete temporary files and other data from just your browser, tap Internet Explorer settings > delete history . Save or move apps to a memory card Expand your phone’s memory with a memory card and save your apps to the card by default. The quality of your m ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 123

    The memory card is not supported by all phones. For availability, go to www.microsoft.com/ mobile/support/wpfeatures . You can download the free Files app from www.windowsphone.com . Data transmission costs may apply. Tap Files . 1. To navigate to a folder, tap the folder you want. 2. To search the folder you’re currently in, tap . 3. To change h ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 124

    Tip: If your computer"s operating system is Windows 7, Windows 8, or later, you can also use the Windows Phone app. Windows 8 and later operating systems install the app automatically when you connect your phone to your computer. With Windows 7, you can download it from www.windowsphone.com . For info on which app works with which computer, se ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 125

    Set your phone to lock automatically You can protect your phone against unauthorised use. Define a security code, and set your phone to lock itself automatically when you"re not using it. 1. On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > lock screen . 2. Switch Password to On , and type in a security code ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 126

    View your notifications Swipe down from the top of the screen. Open the camera If you add a shortcut for the camera in the action centre, you can quickly switch the camera on when your phone is locked. Press the power key, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap . If your phone has a camera key, press and hold the camera key for a couple of ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 127

    Lock your phone, and set it to show a message, so it can be returned to you Delete all data from your phone remotely The available options may vary. Tip: Set your phone to automatically save its location every few hours. If your phone runs out of battery, you can still view its last saved location. On the start screen, swipe down from the t ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 128

    Wallet Use Wallet to collect your payment methods in one place, and keep it secure with a PIN code. NFC is not supported by all phones. For availability, go to www.microsoft.com/mobile/ support/wpfeatures . Wallet is a virtual wallet on your phone. You can: Make Store payments, for example, when buying an app Make in-app purchases with your ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 129

    If you type in the code incorrectly 3 times in a row, you need to unblock the code with the PUK code. PUK This is required to unblock a PIN code. If the code is not supplied with your SIM card, contact your network service provider. Security code (lock code, password) (min. 4 digits) This helps you protect your phone against unauthorised use. You c ...

  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual-SIM - page 130

    Troubleshooting and support When you want to learn more about your phone, or if you"re unsure how your phone should work, there are several support channels for you to check. To help you get the most out of your phone, there"s a user guide in your phone with additional instructions. Tap Lumia Help+Tips . You can also go to www.microsoft.c ...

  • Отличная модель

    Достоинства телефона По пунктам:
    Прежде всего отличное сочитание цена-качество.
    Отличный внешний вид(в синем цвете смотрится очень интересно и рыжий тоже хорош)
    Очень достойная для этой цены камера.
    Хороший аккум.
    Оптимальный экран как по разрешению, так и по размеру и качеству.
    Процессора и ОЗУ более чем достаточно для абсолютно плавной и корректной работы операционки.
    Ура, 2 симки - просто отлично! Недостатки телефона: То что в комплекте нет наушников меня не расстроило, т.к.слушаю свои любимые, но кому-то может не понравиться.
    Комплектное ЗУ на 0,75 А очень долго заряжает телефон, могли бы положить на 1,5-2 А.
    Маркий корпус, хотя он легко протирается.
    Корпус из-за глянцевости очень подвержен появлению царапин, хотя они не слишком заметны и наверняка скоро появятся сменные крышечки(хотелось бы увидет и противоударные(с резиновыми вставками)).
    Недостатки на мой взгляд настолько незначительны, что их скорее можно считать придирками.

    Комментарий о телефоне:

    Для цены в 10к руб - просто отличный смартфон, как внешне, так и по ТТХ. Плюс не стоит забывать что Винда не требовательна к ресурсам и одинаково летает как на флагманах, так и на середнячках, так что тем кто "жаба душит" брать 830 или 930 - рекоммендую данный вариант.
    Брал как 2й телефон, и в этом качестве он меня устраивает на все 100%. Не стал переплачивать за модный LTE, меня более чем устраивают скорости 3G.

    Отзыв №2 о телефоне Microsoft Lumia 640 3G Dual Sim

    Отличная модель

    Опыт использования телефона: менее месяца

    Достоинства телефона Сравниваю с Lenovo S860, Lenovo P780, Meizu MX2, Samsung S3.
    1. Связь, там где другие телефоны не ловят сеть, он спокойно выдает три палки сигнала. Качество динамика и микрофона отличные.
    2. Быстродействие и стабильность системы.
    3. Удобность в пользовании. Не скользкий, одной рукой удобно пользоваться.
    4. Камера, снимает вполне себе нормально, для других случаев имеется зеркалка. Но лучше на много чем Lenovo.
    5. Батарея, на день хватает при активных звонках, просмотра почты, карты, погулять по интернету часа 2.
    6. Micro SD 128 Gb. Недостатки телефона: 1. Microsoft Office, нуждается в доработке.
    2. Мало приложений в магазине